The Unofficial Tetenal C-41 Helper
A web application for film development with Tetenal Colortec© C-41 chemistry.
Based on process information, the app calculates both mixing ratios for working solutions in order of mixing and provides a dynamic processing time display that adjusts the necessary processing time based on the amount of processed films (developer exhaustion) and includes an option for Push processing calculation up to 4 stops.
V.1.1 Released on Dec 10th 2020.
If you want to download the app for your Android or Apple smartphone, just scroll down and click on the button which will forward you to the respective app store.
you can download the app and use it on your smartphone, too. It runs both on IOS and Android. Additionally, downloading the app will relieve traffic from this site and make it a bit faster again…
If you feel generous today, and like the app(s) provided by me here for free and wish to support further development, you can support this effort by making a small contribution via the PayPal Donate button below. I’m not doing this for the money, but I’m happy for anything, be it a cup of coffee, or a roll of film.
Disclaimer: This is a free tool provided for your convenience and is no guarantee to a perfect development. For best results, use distilled water, process and wash at a constant temperature to avoid reticulation and act according to lab safety guidelines. This web app is in no way affiliated to or endorsed by Tetenal 1847.
V.1.0, Released on Dec 9th 2020 | Initial Release
V.1.1, Released on Dec 10th 2020 | Bug Fix (Push Calculator)